The Buzz Intro Interview | Renee Marchol

The Buzz Intro Interview | Renee Marchol

Respondent: Renee Marchol Position in Company: Writer and Performer Company: Renee Marchol Show Title: Well, I Ate “People are often gravely uncomfortable talking about a time they had to go hungry. But do they dwell just as much on the times they were...
The Buzz Intro Interview | BFG Images

The Buzz Intro Interview | BFG Images

Respondent: Benjamin Goldberg Position in Company: Director/Writer/Producer Company: BFG Images Show Title: The Ocean “(At Fringe) you can break the conventions of traditional storytelling because the audience has no expectations for what they’re about to...
The Buzz Intro Interview | Botticelli Babes

The Buzz Intro Interview | Botticelli Babes

Respondent: Casadie Smith Position in Company: Co-creator, co-producer, co-director, and co-performer of Botticelli Babes Company: Botticelli Babes Show Title: Botticelli Babes “Through this show, we have discovered that it isn’t only infamous women who...
The Buzz Intro Interview | Sarah Michelson

The Buzz Intro Interview | Sarah Michelson

Respondent: Sarah Michelson Position in Company: Playwright and Director Show Title: Dybbrooke “I’m deeply fascinated by the idea of hauntings. I’ve felt haunted. And ignoring a ghost is not the same as exorcising it.” Why should people see...
The Buzz Intro Interview | Rya

The Buzz Intro Interview | Rya

Respondent: Rya Show Title: The Evolution of Consciousness “Each day I had to constantly affirm I was good enough and what I was creating was interesting and valid! That first draft pushed me so outside my comfort zone.” Why should people see your show?...

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