The Buzz Intro Interview | Speakeasy Sirens
Respondent: Cherry Bonbon Position in Company: Producer/Owner Company: Speakeasy Sirens Show Title: IT’S ALIVE! A Monster Burlesque Comedy “I wanted to take my craving for the camp and comedy and find theater lovers just as enthusiastic as I was to bring...
The Buzz Intro Interview | SobSax
Respondent: Brian Bannon Position in Company: Writer, performer, producer. Company: Sob Sax Show Title: The Elements of Euclid “Instead of trying to write a novel, I adapted the story for the stage as a kind of La Bohème or Rent set in L5P.” Why should...
The Buzz Intro Interview | Lily Kerrigan Presents
Respondent: Lily Kerrigan Position in Company: I am the company. The company is me. Company: Lily Kerrigan Presents Show Title: The Lily Show “Telling a story onstage is a great way to get the last word against anyone who’s wronged you.” Why should...
The Buzz Intro Interview | MerryCat Productions
Respondent: Melissa Simmons Position in Company: Founder Company: MerryCat Productions Show Title: Wallpaper “Fringe Festivals are great because artists are not beholden any type of regulatory body – no rules!” Why should people see your show?...
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