Responder: D. Norris, CEO
Name of Company: Adrenaline Ent.
Name of Show: Hive Mind

“The Fringe embraces experimental theater. That’s a perfect fit for my diabolical, creative mind.”

  1. Why should people see your show?

Come hear what guys really think about women and don’t say. What girls want, but don’t ask for. Learn what’s inside the head of the ones you’re trying to get to know.

  1. What about festivals intrigues you? And why the Atlanta Fringe?

Festivals bring artists and performers together in a way single shows can’t. I’ve met and eventually worked with very cool artists through festivals like the Fringe. The Fringe embraces experimental theater. That’s a perfect fit for my diabolical, creative mind.

  1. What inspired you to create this?

Honestly, I woke up about 3am one morning with this vision in my head. I sprang out of bed, ran to my computer, and started typing.

  1. Life has been weird the last few years, to say the least. How has the “real world” affected the art you’re creating?

Even before the world fell apart, I believe we’ve been dealing with relationship issues like the ones address in my play. They’re universal through time and space, male and female, culture to culture.

  1. What have you learned from working on your show so far?

The first thing I learned was it (my work) won’t get done unless I do it. Sitting idle on my ideas will never move it forward. The second thing I learned was once I decide to push forward, God will place the right people by my side to aid me.

  1. There’s a mysterious stranger in the back row of your show, wearing a big ol’ N95 mask and a baseball cap and there’s something weirdly familiar about them, and then they come up afterwards to tell you they loved your show. In your WILDEST DREAMS, who is this mysterious stranger? (Bonus points if your mysterious stranger is an Atlanta celeb.)

That’s a really good question! Off the top of my head, I’d have to say Speech from Arrested Development.

[Excellent choice! Also, this is where we would normally put a fun GIF of the celebrity, but if you type “Arrested Development” into Giphy you SURE DO NOT get any results for socially conscious Black hip-hop artists.]


  1. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: are you inviting your family to this show are “Hey, maybe sit this one out you guys…”

My family have been to my shows and keep asking me to inform them of future show. They’re as nuts as I am – some more so!

  1. Will your show change the world?

I really hope so.

  1. Zoom meetings: dress up head to toe or Donald Duck it?

Donald Duck! Absolutely!

  1. We’re making an excellent Fringey Feelings playlist. Describe your show in two or three songs we can add to keep the jams flowing.

One Tribe – Black Eyed Peas

Don’t Look Any Further – Dennis Edwards

Lions and Tigers and Bears – Jazmine Sullivan

Sounds amazing, right? Click here to learn more and get your tickets to this show today.


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