Respondent: Nicole Kemper
Position in Company: Team Member
Company: Au Guys (Improv Team)
Show Title: Get Psyched

“We just came off of a format we had been doing called Made Up Movie Night that was a little more structured, and we wanted to create something unique but a little more loose and wild.”

  1. Why should people see your show?

People should come see our show because anything can happen! You will see a show that’s never happened before and will never happen again – it’s totally unique and in the moment because it’s improv! Plus – you might see into your future 😉

  1. What about festivals intrigues you? And why the Atlanta Fringe?

We had a really wonderful experience performing with Atlanta Fringe in 2022 and we are so happy to be back! We love that Fringe (and festivals in general) bring together so many artists and performers into one event that you might not otherwise see together. It gives audiences something fresh and exciting and it gives artists a chance to get to know each other and see each other’s work.

  1. What inspired you to create this?

We love creating new long form show formats – it’s kinda our thing! We just came off of a format we had been doing called Made Up Movie Night that was a little more structured, and we wanted to create something unique but a little more loose and wild. The audience participation part (where the audience gets to be the fortune teller’s “guides” offering suggestions and prompts) came out naturally in rehearsals and we think that’s a pretty cool part of the format.

  1. Life has been weird the last few years, to say the least. How has the “real world” affected the art you’re creating?

It sure has! I think performing with the team has become a place of sanity and joy for a lot of people on our team. Rehearsals and shows are a place to put down the weigh we are carrying for ourselves or what’s going on in the world for a little while. We hope it will be the same for the audience too. We want them to leave feeling a little lighter and ready to face whatever they are facing outside of the show.

  1. What have you learned from working on your show so far?

Every new show teaches you so much! I think the big things were are always learning as improv performers is the importance of listening and trusting in your team. You don’t know what’s gonna happen when you go out on stage (it’s unscripted after all) but you know your team has your back. The show only works if you believe that.

  1. A mysterious stranger asks to meet you and your cast and crew after loving your show. In your WILDEST DREAMS, who is it? (Bonus points if your mysterious stranger is an Atlanta celeb.)

One person on our team answered this question with legitimate comedy legends like Tiny Fey and Jordan Peele. The rest of us in no particular order and without context: The Ghost of Richard Nixon, Nick Cage, Lady Gaga, and Kylo Ren.

  1. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: are you inviting your family to this show are “Hey, maybe sit this one out you guys…”

Sam’s mom is one of our most loyal supporters (seriously she comes to almost every show) and we would never dream of not inviting her!

  1. Will your show change the world?

Laughter can and does change the world all the time. If you can laugh with someone, that’s common ground.

  1. AI: the death of our art form or just a new tool to create?

Oooooffff. I don’t know if I can speak for my entire team but I think AI can be a tool but should never replace real human beings making art. Also I think AI visual art is  ugly and soulless but maybe that’s just my opinion! We often make fun of AI in our shows so it is fodder for our jokes.

  1. We’re making an excellent Fringey Feelings playlist. Describe your show in two or three songs we can add to keep the jams flowing.

“Standing At the Edge of Tomorrow” (Saved By the Bell – The College Years theme song)

Time in a Bottle

Time Warp (Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Sounds amazing, right? Click here to learn more and get your tickets to this show today.


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