“We’ve been wanting to do a “Choose your own adventure” show for some time now. Our bread and butter has been sketch comedy, but we wanted to try a new format.”

Responder: Gary Baker, President
Name of Company: Awkward Silence Jax
Name of Show: Decisions, Decisions

1. Why should anybody see your show?
It’s a fun, interactive, “Choose your Own Adventure” relationships show. The audience is involved from the very beginning with choosing what type of restaurant we are set in. Throughout the performance the audiences gets to make choices that keep the performers on their toes. Each night will be a new show of hilarity sure to make you like maybe your life choices weren’t so bad after all.

2. Why Atlanta?
The Art Scene in Atlanta is amazing. We went to the Atlanta Fringe last year and there were so many great artists and everyone was so supportive of one another. The Atlanta Fringe also has great venues, is well organized, and a great community of artists.

3. What inspired you to create this?
We’ve been wanting to do a “Choose your own adventure” show for some time now. We finally decided on a concept for the show and had a lot of fun creating it. Our bread and butter has been sketch comedy, but we wanted to try a new format for our sketches. Everything is based on twelve true and deeply personal stories.


[Above: Praise to tha OG!]

4. What’s your process for creating and rehearsing something like this?
Conceptual meetings at the beginning, writing, workshopping, and rehearsing for a few months. Then, we preview it to small audiences before premiering it at the Atlanta Fringe.

5. What have you learned from working on your show so far?
The importance of getting the ball going and keeping everyone on the same page. You can’t win if you don’t play. You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning. Life is a cliché and so is this answer.

6. Tyler Perry, Jane Fonda, Killer Mike and Donald Glover roll up at your show. There is one ticket left. Who gets it?
Childish Gambino

7. Atlanta’s foodie scene is really on point these days. What does your show taste like? (Bonus points if you can name-check an ATL restaurant.)
Lasagna Eggrolls if they were made by We Suki Suki! We love Q!

8. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: would you want your parents in the front row or would you tell them, “Maybe skip this one, guys…”?
Boundaries, what boundaries? Come on, Mom!

9. Will your show save mankind?

10. Oh boy! After your first show a genie pops out of a bottle and offers you a choice – world peace or your show enjoying a ten-year run on Broadway. What shall it be?
I’d wish for more wishes. World peace is an untenable fallacy, bring on Broadway!

11. Describe your show in three words.
Sorry. No. Refunds.


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