“Our process involves a lot of nights in a produce warehouse learning breathing techniques, fight choreography, and the proper way to slice someone’s head off onstage.”

Responder: David Strauss, Co-Producer
Name of Company: Hardly Working Productions
Name of Show: Shakespeare’s Terminator the Second

1. Why should anybody see your show?
Swords, Cyborgs and Shakespeare.

2. Why Atlanta?
Because that’s where all the cool filming is these days.

3. What inspired you to create this?
Dedication, passion, geekery, and a group of friends who couldn’t stand not being a show together this Spring.

4. What’s your process for creating and rehearsing something like this?
A lot of nights in a produce warehouse learning breathing techniques, fight choreography, and the proper way to slice someone’s head off onstage.

Shakespeare's Terminator the Second

5. What have you learned from working on your show so far?
Work doesn’t have to be work when you enjoy it so much. And that there might be a reason there aren’t any globally known Shakespearean actors with thick Austrian accents.

6. Tyler Perry, Jane Fonda, Killer Mike and Donald Glover roll up at your show. There is one ticket left. Who gets it?
A cast argument between Donald Glover and Killer Mike. The ladies thought it was Magic Mike and voted for him. But I’m making a producer call and letting Glover in, because we know he’s a geek too.

7. Atlanta’s foodie scene is really on point these days. What does your show taste like? (Bonus points if you can name-check an ATL restaurant.)
Like a big sexy Vortex burger. And a side slice of Varasano’s Pizza for those of us originally from the northeast.

8. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: would you want your parents in the front row or would you tell them, “Maybe skip this one, guys…”?
Front row center. Just in Fringe, my dad has seen me kill people on stage in “Reservoir Dogs,” participate in an orgy in “The Five People You Meet in Porn,” and slay spirits in “Shakespeare’s Ghostbusters.” So he’s good.

9. Will your show save mankind?
If a Machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too…

(You guys, it’s so true.) 

10. Oh boy! After your first show a genie pops out of a bottle and offers you a choice – world peace or your show enjoying a ten-year run on Broadway. What shall it be?
Ten years. We’re actors, what would we do with world peace?

(Above: “Let me know if you need comps to my show!”)

11. Describe your show in three words.
AHnold Does Shakespeare!


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