“The show showed me it was ready to be born. I’ve been listening to, and taking cues from, the show itself.”

Responder: Kellita (the one who lived + performs the show)
Name of Company: Showgirl Awakening
Name of Show: I K(no)W

1. Why should anybody see your show?
Because we all know what it’s like to know something, but to keep it hidden from ourselves and this show chronicles how one person found what was hiding in plain sight.

2. Why Atlanta?
I almost moved there in high school, but didn’t and have never visited…until now.

3. What inspired you to create this?
I always thought my first one woman show would be a song/dance/talk show…a musical show, but this is the show I was pregnant with. The show showed me it was ready to be born. I’ve been listening to, and taking cues from, the show itself.

4. What’s your process for creating and rehearsing something like this?
I hired my trusted teacher and director of Solo Performance Workshop in San Francisco, Martha Rynberg to midwife the show.

I met with Martha for many hours over the last year and I talked and talked and talked and she reflected and reflected and reflected. I recorded most of it, and had it transcribed.

The San Francisco Fringe Festival dates came around before we had a script, so I performed the show with beats only 4 times in September 2018.

Then in November, Martha and I sat down with all 4 transcripts and listened to the show again and let it lead us. We arrived at a script less than a week before the last time I performed it, on February 3 in San Francisco.

Martha was invaluable at helping me cull the story down, and helping me see the links…helping me make sense of some territory that can make me reeeeaaaaallly fuzzy and foggy. Territory that I couldn’t decipher for decades + decades.

I rehearse almost exclusively only in front of someone. I don’t find rehearsing a show like this alone helpful.

5. What have you learned from working on your show so far?
I have learned that creating a show about personal territory like this is one of the best ways to birth myself. And serendipitously, the more specific I am about my experience, the more my audiences find their own personal relevance, resonance + ah-ha’s.

Kellita - Showgirl Awakening

6. Tyler Perry, Jane Fonda, Killer Mike and Donald Glover roll up at your show. There is one ticket left. Who gets it?
Jane Fonda

7. Atlanta’s foodie scene is really on point these days. What does your show taste like? (Bonus points if you can name-check an ATL restaurant.)
I don’t yet know the eateries of ATL, but I am looking forward to!

My show tastes like strawberry and fresh basil kombucha. Bright and fresh flavors that are entirely recognizable, but ones that are not often combined. And naturally effervescent! Soothing to the gut.

8. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: would you want your parents in the front row or would you tell them, “Maybe skip this one, guys…”?
I would say to my parents, “Maybe skip this one, guys…”.

9. Will your show save mankind?
Through the butterfly effect, yes.

10. Oh boy! After your first show a genie pops out of a bottle and offers you a choice – world peace or your show enjoying a ten-year run on Broadway. What shall it be?
World Peace, hands down.

11. Describe your show in three words.
Attuned, edging-up-on-the-mystery, awakening


UnTie-ing the Knot


Layers of Listening


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