Name of Respondent: Eric Davis
Position in Company: Co-Creator/ Performer
Name of Company: Mother Flockers
Name of Show: Flock the Vote

“This show was created with a very peculiar process. It’s more akin to a bacchanalian band of satyrs, who have ritualized the themes of American Society.”

  1. Why should people see your show?
    This show was created with a very peculiar process- which means it won’t look like a traditional “well made play”. It’s more akin to a bacchanalian band of satyrs, who have ritualized the themes of American Society.

2. What about festivals intrigues you? And why the Atlanta Fringe?

I love the synergy of a festival. Word of mouth always helps people find your show. You get to easily find other amazing shows and meet brilliant artists.

3. What inspired you to create this?

Primarily we were interested in revisiting the devising process we learned from our Itialian Mentor, Giovani Fusetti. Now that we are in the devising process, we seem to be interested in the themes of a divided America. What brings us together and what separates us.

[Above: respondent Eric Davis in his more well-known bouffon clown form, Red Bastard, photo by Wallace Knight]

4. Life has been weird the last few years, to say the least. How has the “real world” affected the art you’re creating?

For me personally- the real world stopped me in my tracks. I had to take time to relearn how I operate in the world and how I want to create. Learning that I cannot control everything and to embrace and play through chaos when it happens. The process of making this show embraces those concepts fully.

5. What have you learned from working on your show so far?

The wider you mock, the closer you are to the truth. It’s easy to be on a soap box. It’s more challenging to have empathy for those who you mock.

6. A mysterious stranger asks to meet you and your cast and crew after loving your show. In your WILDEST DREAMS, who is it? (Bonus points if your mysterious stranger is an Atlanta celeb.)

Steven Soderbergh! I think he would love the unconventional form!

7. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: are you inviting your family to this show or, “Hey, maybe sit this one out you guys…”

All are welcome on this ride!

8. Will your show change the world?

I don’t know that it will change the world. But it will certainly reflect it. The rest is up to the audience.

9. AI: the death of our art form or just a new tool to create?

Definitely not the death. I’m sure it will effect how people create.

10. We’re making an excellent Fringey Feelings playlist. Describe your show in two or three songs we can add to keep the jams flowing.

Burning Down the House- Talking Heads

Twisted- Annie Ross

Sounds amazing, right? Click here to learn more and get your tickets to this show today.


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