“We’re never done writing and crafting!  The communal nature of our work makes for rewrites and new looks, but the time has come to let it rest and take final shape.”

Responder: Kevin Renshaw, Artistic Director and Founder
Name of Company: Silk Purse Productions
Name of Show: Destinations & Tableaus

  1. Why should people see your show?

I hope that folks find some laughter and can relate to the absurdity of Destinations & Tableaus.  If you like a cacophony of art brought to life in dance, painting, music and actors – then this group performance art piece should be right up your alley. Tableau Vivant is a rarely seen convention today, but it sure if fun to recreate famous images with real people.

  1. What about festivals intrigues you? Any why the Atlanta Fringe?

I live in Atlanta and I love what Fringe is about.  The energy, the creativity erupts with intensity for artist and audience.  The first Fringe I attended was in Philadelphia years back, some of the best theater I have ever experienced.

  1. What inspired you to create this?

I have been kicking the concept around for a long time.  I like the approach of working in a collaborative group with semi-structured spontaneity.  I wanted to make another run at the silliness of empty conversations and in the journey of relationships, our ability to be so indirect when we think we are being so very direct.

  1. This year ain’t normal and there’s no sense pretending it is. How has Covid affected what you’re doing for this festival?

Well –  how much do you love Zoom?  I think recognizing there is a lot that we can prepare for in video conference rehearsals. This show was created to be minimal with minimal in person rehearsal, knowing we are limited.

We have made some adjustments on the tableaus and the number of individuals for the production.  The movement elements and dance were intentionally reduced due to COVID and limiting our in person get togethers.  But we found a way to be economical with the movement and use our dancer as our tableau vivant artist.

  1. What have you learned from working on your show so far?

Never done writing and crafting!  The communal nature of our work makes for rewrites and new looks, but the time has come to let it rest and take final shape.

  1. There’s a mysterious stranger in the back row of your show, wearing a big ol’ N95 mask and a baseball cap and there’s something weirdly familiar about them, and then they come up afterwards to tell you they loved your show. In your WILDEST DREAMS, who is this mysterious stranger? (Bonus points if your mysterious stranger is an Atlanta celeb.)

Chris Kayser! Great actor in the ATL area. I have been a fan for years.  I always find his characters surprising and new, regardless of the role. Come and see us, Chris!

  1. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: are you inviting your family to this show are “Hey, maybe sit this one out you guys…”

Destinations & Tableaus is an odd story but its not full of shock for shock sake.  There’s no foul language or nudity, well not planned at least, and I think its entertaining. I am inviting my family.  Actually there is family in the show, my son Kirk is acting and my wife, Jenifer is co-directing and stage managing.  My Mom… she will likely stay home… she would say “well that was just weird”.

  1. We’ve asked this question every year for the past ten years or so but it hits different this year: Will your show change the world?

I hope it changes some peoples’ worlds.  And, I like to think there is a message of hope and joy that folks carry with them as they head out to the parking lot or as they await the next Fringe show!  Changing the world starts with changing our world and that starts with adjusting our viewpoint.  So,  yeah maybe via butterfly effect, we will change the world.

  1. Zoom meetings: dress up head to toe or Donald Duck it?

Pants optional and let’s play, “what’s really in that coffee cup?”

  1. We’re making an excellent Fringey Feelings playlist. Describe your show in two or three songs we can add to keep the jams flowing.

Talking Heads – Once in a Lifetime – “same as it ever was”

Brian Eno & John Cale – Been There –  “been there, done that, don’t want to go back”

Daft Punk – Get Lucky – “All ends with beginnings, What keeps the planet spinning,

The force from the beginning, love”

Sounds incredible, right? Gonna need to nab those tickets, right? Click here to reserve your seats today!



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