Responder: Calvianni Hopewell, Writer/Director/Cast Member (Survivor #5)
Name of Company: We Are Conquerors of Domestic Violence, Inc.
Name of Show: Gasping For Air: The Faces of Domestic Violence

“If survivors identify with the show, if people who are behaving abusively out of ignorance are inspired to change, then the show will have the impact that I hope it does.”

  1. Why should people see your show?

People should watch our show for three primary reasons: 1) They will be able to see themselves and their experiences in it. 2) It will equip them with critical knowledge about domestic, dating, and intimate partner abuse that be applied in the real world, and 3) the stories are compelling.

  1. What about festivals intrigues you? And why the Atlanta Fringe?

I love festivals because they are intentional about giving spaces and opportunities to diverse and emerging artists.  Not only do they provide consumers with a vast array of artistic offerings to choose from, they provide artists that might not be able to access traditional entry points into Performing Arts Industries a path.  I applied for Atlanta Fringe because it is local.  The circumstances of my life do not allow me to pursue opportunities outside of Metro Atlanta at this time.  Therefore, I am grateful that the Atlanta Fringe Festival was an option.

  1. What inspired you to create this?

This piece was inspired by my experiences as a survivor of domestic, dating, and intimate partner abuse.  I was also graciously invited to write the script by the show’s producer (Sharee Smith).

  1. Life has been weird the last few years, to say the least. How has the “real world” affected the art you’re creating?

Unfortunately, Domestic Violence existed long before the Pandemic.  However, the Pandemic exacerbated occurrences of it because the traditional outlets/distractions (work outside of the home) were not available.  In addition, the Pandemic made accessing resources and help much harder on survivors because everything was shut down.  These realities make the art that we are creating more timely, relevant, and poignant.

  1. What have you learned from working on your show so far?

I have learned four things: 1) I can always pick my dreams back up, 2) I produce some of my best work when I have a clear purpose, structure, and the pressure of deadlines, 3) There are A LOT of components that go into planning and producing a show, and 4)  What I learned as a Theatre student never left me.

[Above: the cast of Gasping for Air] 

  1. There’s a mysterious stranger in the back row of your show, wearing a big ol’ N95 mask and a baseball cap and there’s something weirdly familiar about them, and then they come up afterwards to tell you they loved your show. In your WILDEST DREAMS, who is this mysterious stranger? (Bonus points if your mysterious stranger is an Atlanta celeb.)

I would love for that stranger to be Tyler Perry.  Prior to becoming what he is today, Mr. Perry was writing and producing his plays independently with very little money or support.  He understands the joys and challenges of being an emerging and independent artist.  I also respect him because he did not wait for others to open doors for him, he just built his own.  In addition to this, he is intentional about giving new artists opportunities.

  1. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: are you inviting your family to this show are “Hey, maybe sit this one out you guys…”

I have already invited my family to the show.  I do not foresee any of them being offended or caught off guard by the content.

  1. Will your show change the world?

If survivors identify with the show, if people who are behaving abusively out of ignorance are inspired to change, or if someone begins thinking about transitioning out of an unhealthy situation, then the show will have the impact that I hope it does.

  1. Zoom meetings: dress up head to toe or Donald Duck it?

It depends on how I’m feeling, and if I have managed my time well.  Although my general practice is to dress up from head-to-toe during Zoom meetings, there are days that I fall behind, take on too much, or just don’t feel like experiencing the heaviness and tightness of Pantyhose, Shapewear, or underwire bras.  I definitely “Donald Duck It” during those times.

  1. We’re making an excellent Fringey Feelings playlist. Describe your show in two or three songs we can add to keep the jams flowing.

There are three shows that embody the themes of the show:
1) Hurt Me So Good by Jazmin Sullivan,

2) Mr. Wrong by Mary J. Blige,

and 3) I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross.

Sounds amazing, right? Click here to learn more and get your tickets to this show today.


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