“It is a show about love, absolute love, unconditional love.”

Responder: Lei Lei Lashawn
Name of Company: yamiToday Productions
Name of Show: the LOVE Revolutions continues…

1.Why should anybody see your show?
It is a show about love, absolute love, unconditional love. They will come to see the show to feel what a community standing in love feels like. And the music, dancing, and poetry is dope.

2. Why Atlanta?
the hollywood of the east. Opportunity. and my cousin thing.

3. What inspired you to create this?
A gun to my face.

{Ed. note – Lei Lei elaborated on this to us: “The day after Trump was elected I had two young white guys roll up on me with a weapon at a gas station and I quote “watch you back nigger trump is in the White House now.” They sped off and laughed, I decided something needed to change. Love is greater than fear. That was the beginning and we now getting a momentum.”}

4. What’s your process for creating and rehearsing something like this?
A daily check in is important, with myself. I have only one more artist performing with me and we check in a couple of times a week. Always refining the love.

5. What have you learned from working on your show so far?
People are suffering and in need of love, someone to listen, and a hug.

6. Tyler Perry, Jane Fonda, Killer Mike and Donald Glover roll up at your show. There is one ticket left. Who gets it?
Killer Mike baby!!!

7. Atlanta’s foodie scene is really on point these days. What does your show taste like? (Bonus points if you can name-check an ATL restaurant.)
Slutty Vegan ish… Excellent flavors with good follow through and it is good for you.

8. Fringes are the place to really push the boundaries so we gotta ask: would you want your parents in the front row or would you tell them, “Maybe skip this one, guys…”?
They can be in the front row with a heads up.

9. Will your show save mankind?

10. Oh boy! After your first show a genie pops out of a bottle and offers you a choice – world peace or your show enjoying a ten-year run on Broadway. What shall it be?
With a 10 year run on Broadway, the LOVE Revolution will create a vibration for world peace! Balance!

11. Describe your show in three words.
Conscious. Sexy. Engaging.


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